I don’t like this ad #1

This ad I refer back to a lot. Something about it just hasn’t sat well with me. I saw it a couple of years ago, and it’s really stuck with me. I’ve not been able to shake the image of a mature older woman with half an apple for a head with a great big sticker saying ‘cox’ where her apple brain would be. I mean, is it inappropriate (inappleriot) I just don’t know… Apples are arguably one of the more innocent fruits being all crispy and delicious (if you get a good one mind, mushy apples do not come at me). Sure, there is an apple for everyone, maybe you’re prone to a granny smith or maybe you fancy yourself as more of a Red delicious, it’s all good. Different apples, different needs. I just feel the flow of this advert is not representing the core business of apples and it has most certainly left a rotten taste in my mouth. Apples deserve more, I mean one of them basically invented the theory of gravity because Isaac Newton got in its way on it’s decent to earth. This advert is not good enough for an apple.

Also, the boy next in line to the apple throne is really creepy.



I’ve been thinking about expressing myself via the medium of words again for a while, I just didn’t know what exactly to write about. I could write about how “lad dumped his girlfriend, the next day she won the lottery and her revenge was savage” or maybe 17 reasons Timone and Pumba from the lion king are your ‘spirit animals’ but it’s out there, people are doing it, they’re providing us with this information, it’s drip feeding into our minds already. I mean, does click bait exist because humans will always click, or do we always click because there’s click bait. If that’s not something to ponder over for a while, then I really don’t know what is.

Anyway, then I thought what is it that I think about? What do I find interesting? And then I had a minor epiphany  (nothing too painful). So word of warning I’m going to be coming in thick and fast with some real top level stuff. I’m talking real insightful, in-depth analysis of it all. We’re talking advertisements, we’re talking magazines, we’re talking events we’re just talking all of it. Mainly from an angle where we just passively let things happen without a second thought, we’re so out of tune with what we’re actually viewing things just don’t seem weird anymore. It probably doesn’t make much sense right now, but it will. You will see the light soon. I mean, don’t let this interrupt you living your life or anything, just have a read have some fun, do your thang, I’ll do mine, it’ll be great.