8 Reasons S Club 7 – Reach for the stars should be our national anthem.


It was the year 2000, people were pretty psyched that the Millennium bug didn’t wipe out the population, the Millennium bridge opened for the first time and then closed for the first time two days later for safety reasons, George W. Bush Junior was elected Leader of the Free World* and girls started wearing those hideous black neck chocker situations and apparantley haven’t stopped. But what was so special about the year 2000? On the 22nd of May one of the best pop songs of all time was released into the world. I whole heartedly believe it should be our National Anthem and here’s why:

1. The Beat = Instant Happiness

Show me a man/woman who doesn’t automatically feel serotonin flood his/her brain after those first few beats and I’ll show you a liar.

2. Inspirational Message

“Reach for the stars, Climb every mountain higher, Reach for the stars, follow your heart’s desire” It escapes me, was that originally Maya Angelou or a Shakespeare?
3. Anyone and everyone can relate 

No matter your religion, your race, your ideology YOU can relate to this song. We’re all trying to get by in this crazy maze that is Life.
4. Positive vibes
The song/anthem I guess we can call it an anthem… has such a strong positive message for young people, it could potentially lower the crime rate in 12 – 18 year olds. “There ain’t nothing you can’t be, There’s a whole world at your feet” Perhaps they just need to hear it regularly to believe it.

5. It would be the best National Anthem of all time

I appreciate that most National Anthems are full of pride and history which is great, but we need to jazz it up, just a little (I’m not suggesting the number one hit single Just a Little from Liberty X here, still on the S Club thing). We would stand out and people might actually start to like us again.

6. It has a dance routine

I’m talking World Cup Final 2018, England Vs. Brazil, everyone can feel the tension, we’ve waited for this moment for so long, and then, Wayne Rooney et al. elongate their right arms to reach for the stars and the crowd goes wild. 

7. Comic value

David Cameron singing Reach for the Stars. Enough said.

8. The woman who wrote it deserves recognition

Cathy Dennis the mastermind behind the lyrics also gave us – Can’t get you out of my head by Kylie and Toxic by Britney. We owe it to her, she deserves it. THANK YOU CATHY.

  Now, don’t get me wrong I love the Queen, she’s ma gal, just gotta mix it up sometimes you know?

*Free world = The United States not Eminem’s rival gang in 8 mile.